Reaffirming our commitment to keep serving you

Nairobi, Kenya; July 3rd, 2022

Dear esteemed clients, partners, and stakeholders in blood services management.

We appreciate the interactions we continue to have, the most recent being at the recently concluded Damu KE Conference that took place from June 28th to 30th, 2022 at the Windsor Golf Club in Nairobi.

We would like to reaffirm our commitment and contribution to solving the perennial challenges of blood shortages in the country and the region. In the past, this commitment has seen us launch the Damu Sasa platform which most of you have interacted with and adopted for use in your facilities.

The Damu Sasa platform is also used by the greater public. Ordinary citizens of goodwill have installed and use the Damu Sasa App and the Damu Sasa USSD to participate in the blood services value chain. This enables them to manage blood donation appeals, respond to appeals shared on the platform, schedule appointments with facilities to make donations, provide feedback to blood donation facilities, and join communities.

We want to further affirm that, as much as the platform is serving its purpose presently, we continue to invest in making it more versatile and have more capabilities. Accordingly, in the near future, we will be releasing the IoS version of the App for the iPhone user community. We expect further announcements of enhanced Damu Sasa capabilities in the future.

There is also more we are doing that will be beneficial to the ecosystem. For example, as recently announced, with the support of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada and Villgro Africa, we have partnered with the University of Nairobi to better map the blood services ecosystem, understand challenges therein and offer alternative approaches that would rejuvenate services in the space. 

We believe that such a multidisciplinary approach will address some of the barriers encountered, key among them being the blood donation culture.

Once more, we reiterate our focus and commitment to be part of the solution to the challenges of blood services management in Kenya and the region. The use of the Damu Sasa technology platform is one step. Our ever-growing experience and feedback from you continue to shape future directions.

We thank our partners for their support, towards the enhancement of the technology, and for enabling us to grow in the market. We are pleased that they believe in us and our dream and hence continue to back our mission.

Finally, we are appreciative of your continued use of the Damu Sasa technology and appeal for further support to grow the adoption in the use of the system.

Yours truly,

Damu Sasa System Ltd.


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Damu-Sasa is an innovative end-to-end blood services information management system. It supports blood sourcing, inventory management, transfusion management and even haemovigilance. To date..

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